ACO Port Hope
ACO Port Hope receives charitable donations, and manages charitable fundraising events, such as the ACO Antique Auction. In turn, ACO Port Hope makes grants available for restoration projects in the Town of Port Hope.The Port Hope branch was formed in the early 1960s. Since then, it has become one of the most active and financially successful of the ACO branches with almost 500 members. In 2002, the Municipality of Port Hope was recognized as possessing the finest heritage main street in Ontario. https://acoporthope.ca/ http://barnquilttrailph.com/
Our Task
Utilizing the existing ACO colour palette, Cats Media was charged with developing ACO Port Hope’s own updated website. Well, actually two, ACO Port Hope’s main site as well as one for their historic Barn Quilt Trail initiative. Collateral was developed for both projects. For ACO Port Hope itself, flyers and posters for their advocacy projects were designed, printed and distributed. For the BQT project, a tour guide along with directional map was put together. Posters and rack cards were also designed to promote the local tour.